Once watered and with all the kit packed we headed over the border and drove to St Hilarion and onward to Paradise launch.
The wind was on the strong side but with long gentle lulls and we decided to wait a while to see what happened.
We decided that the gusts were getting weaker and the lulls were longer now than before though still a bit of a worry. Dave went first with a really nicely controlled launch followed by what I can shall describe as a bumpy departure from the hill. Tim was watching and thinking much the same as me which was "hmmmm! that looks uncomfortable!" but this we later discovered was only Dave faffing with his camera and other paraphernalia. Well as Dave climbed it appeared to to smooth out and Tim was happy that he could launch and fly and so launched into very nice calm air and played nicely around the front of launch with Dave.
I wasted no time and jumped into the Red Rocket for the drive down and radioed to let the others know that I would be in the field for them when they landed. The drive down took me into radio shadow and so I was uncontactable for I guess 5 minutes. As I came around the hill and back into radio range I heard Dave brokenly and he said "Talk to me Tim!" I was still just out of range to talk to them and was around 8 minutes drive away. Dave then radioed that he was going to land and I answered that I would be there soon.
I found the field without too much problem and walked over to where Dave was but I could not see Tim. I asked Dave on the radio if Tim was still in the air and he replied "Negative" an that Tim had landed quite expertly on a road some way up the hill. After helping Dave pack I radioed Tim and he answered that he was shaken but that he was OK and had had a bit of a heafty landing. I told him that we would be with him shortly. We found him on a very narrow track with tall trees either side, he was standing up and looking quite forlorn as we pulled along side him. We packed his kit into the Red rocket and went to have assess Tims last moments in the air. We'd been looking around for about 2 minutes when Dave announced that he had a nose bleed! well I just had to get a snap!
Tim said he'd had a few issues fairly low and ended up having a collapse at the top of the trees about 12 - 15 feet I would estimate.
I'm glad to say that after a few beers Tim seemed to be sore but fine! as you can see from the picture (left).
We had a spot of lunch in a rip off Burger King called "Burger City", not my ideal choice of venue but given the circumstances it was fine! then we headed back to the top to have another look with the thought that I could have a fly.
As ever I found that I had misjudged my height and needed to use alot more of the landing field than I would have liked but still had plenty of room if I'd needed it. I must work on this skill and try to judge a lower approach angle. See my track log here.
We ate and drank well into the night under a very starry sky and at one point had to take cover as the local coast guard came along with search lights and were shining them at us quite alot. I think if we'd just have carried on as normal we'd have been fine but the alchohol made us all stand very still and even lie down on the rocks. Unfortunately the alchohol made me very loud and i couldn't stop talking even though we could hear the guys on the boat! oops!
After that we drove home a really great weekend!
Cheers Guys and Credit to both Dave and Tim as I have captured some of my photos off their videos. You'll have to follow Tim's blog if you want to know more about his mishap. Whether he shares his video I'll leave that up to him!
On the way home we noticed a sign that we just couldn't work out! The Car wash name just makes no sence at all!
So it seems you get lots of weekends off work and the family - when u visit the Uk are u having all 7 kids so that me and Lisa can go out!
If you like!
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